How SQL Supports: ACID Properties
A: Atomicity --> MySQL Achieves this by using undo logs
C: Consistency --> Before and after data is consistent (double write buffer)
I: Isolation --> MYSQL uses Locks and Isolation Level
D: Durability ->MySQL uses Redo Logs
How NoSQL supports: ACID Properties
A : Associative --> This allows parallel Processing by enabling operations to be applied Independently.
C : Commutative --> If multiple operations are going to be applied in a different order, the final result should be the same.
I : Idempotent --> If an operation is applied multiple time then too it effects is only noted once. Ex: If you do multiple transactions, only one will be executed.
D: Distributed --> NoSQL supports distributed architecture i.e Horizontal Scaling
RDBMS -> Vertical Scaling
NoSQL-> Horizontal Scaling
RDBMS: They handle normalization better
NoSQL: They don't have joins and thus can't handle normalisation well
Example Case of MongoDb
Chat Application
Flexible Schema
Chat backup
No ACID required
Example Case of RDBMS
Payment System
High Acid requirement, transaction capabilities
Strict Schema